Francis contacted me this afternoon, to inform me that they are hiking deeper into the jungle. She will not be able to send me anymore pictures because her cell is not working, she does not know why. I can assume it is because of hiking through the jungle in the rain in knee deep mud.
She said that she worked with about 150 children teaching them about the Holy Spirit and the gifts God blesses us with. She used the shaving cream art project to illustrate it. They loved it. Lol, of course, children learn through and art...the combination is always successful!
They hiked deeper into the jungle and stayed in a house where they showered ( she cleared that the shower was not really a shower and the toilet was a latrine). They were fed there and she took out her books to study chemistry. She said that the light of the moon was brighter that inside the house.
The connection was very poor, she called me from someone else's phone.
Others from the team are taking pictures and videos so there will be images after she returns.
God Bless